Your thoughts are everything. They form your mindset, moods, attitudes and habits.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Cure Lyme Disease: Power of Mindset
In this video I reveal how mindset and faith in my recovery helped me in the most difficult times and brought me to a complete recovery.
Your thoughts are everything. They form your mindset, moods, attitudes and habits.
Your thoughts are everything. They form your mindset, moods, attitudes and habits.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Brain Fog and how to deal with it
As many of you with neurological Lyme, one of the worst symptoms of mine was brain fog (always accompanied by fatigue). As I mentioned earlier, I would forget my own phone number, I would not be able to complete simple tasks. During one of the worst episodes of brain fog I got into major car accident. Brain fog is caused by load of neurotoxins that Lyme produces as well as by other factors.
Brain fog may be the result of:

Adrenal fatigue syndrome – The adrenal glands fail to produce key hormones that effectively regulate the body’s stress response. Asa result, adrenal fatigue syndrome can cause brain fog symptoms due to the body’s inability to handle stress effectively.
Insomnia / sleep deprivation – Sleep is crucial for optimal brain function. Lack of adequate sleep can affect mood, cause depression, anxiety, and clouded thinking.
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) – Chronic fatigue syndrome is known for its overwhelming fatigue. CFS affects concentration, short-term memory and disrupts healthy sleep patterns.
Nutritional deficiencies – Nutritional deficiencies can affect brain function, due to a lack of nutrients necessary for optimal brain function. Deficiencies of magnesium, vitamin B-12, and amino acids can cause significant brain impairment such as lack of concentration, short-term memory loss, attention deficit, and spaciness (or lack of focus).
Candidiasis – Systemic yeast overgrowth can cause depression, anxiety, sudden mood swings, lack of concentration, headaches, drowsiness, and/or fatigue.
Disorders such as fibromyalgia or multiple sclerosis (MS) – Fibromyalgia and MS are both nervous system disorders that affect brain function, leading to, in many cases, overwhelming fatigue, pain, depression, and anxiety.
Chronic viral infections such as Epstein-Barr, Lyme disease, hepatitis, cytomegalovirus – Viral infections can reach the brain and can significantly disrupt thinking and mood.
Parasitic organisms found in the brain – Parasitic infections such as tapeworm can invade the brain and cause symptoms of acute mental illness such as depression and psychosis in more than 65% of cases. Parasitic infections outside of the brain that can produce psychiatric symptoms include giardia, ascaris psychosis, trichinosis, and Lyme Disease, among many others.
Heavy metal toxicity – The most common heavy metals that humans are exposed to are aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury. These often accumulate in brain tissue and are difficult to excrete in many cases. Some people—especially those who suffer from chronic conditions—cannot excrete neurotoxic heavy metals efficiently and a build-up occurs, causing brain fog symptoms.
Reduced blood flow to the brain due to circulatory problems – Lack of blood flow to the brain disrupts brain function. Thick blood can also slow down blood flow to the brain, causing brain dysfunction.
Blood sugar issues such as hypoglycemia or diabetes – Uncontrolled blood sugar levels can cause significant symptoms such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, and clouded thinking.
Overuse of artificial sweeteners and MSG – Artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame and flavor enhancers are considered excitotoxins, meaning that they are toxic to the brain, and can disrupt brain function.
Allergies and food intolerances such as to gluten and lactose – Many patients who are lactose and/or gluten intolerant find that their brain function often suffers as a result of allergies to these substances.
Leaky gut syndrome – When the gut becomes more permeable, larger particles escape into the bloodstream and may pass the blood brain barrier, causing a wide variety of mental symptoms such as mood disturbance, depression, anxiety, fatigue, lack of concentration and focus, and short-term memory loss.
Side effects of prescription and over-the-counter medications – It’s always important to double check with your pharmacist for medication side effects that can disrupt brain function. Many medications have side effects that disrupt mental health and may cause symptoms ranging from depression, anxiety and agitation, to severe conditions such as psychosis and suicidal ideation.
Constipation – Brain fog may be caused by bowel toxicity due to inefficient digestive system that is not able to effectively eliminate toxins from the body.
Menopause – Many women experience brain fog due to fluctuating hormone levels during perimenopause and menopause. Lowered estrogen levels may cause mood fluctuations and unclear thinking, depression, and anxiety.
Sick building syndrome (fumes from new carpets, paints, insulation, chipboard, wood treatments, pesticides, carbon monoxide, poor ventilation) – Chemicals used during construction and for building fumigation may cause significant brain impairment in individuals sensitive or allergic to these chemicals.
There are a number of methods that can be used to help relieve brain fog. Brain fog is a term to describe impaired or slowed thought, and is a common symptom experienced by individuals with adrenal fatigue. There are many brain fog relief remedies to help improve energy levels, mental clarity and brain function.
A natural way to relieve brain fog is to consume foods that provide you with adequate nutrition. Getting sufficient nutrients and minerals in your diet is an important way of improving brain function and energy levels in the body. You should eat plenty of green leafy vegetables, wholegrain foods and foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. You can take natural supplements, containing essential nutrients and supplements, like multivitamin and vitamin B12, to help improve mental function and relieve brain fog.
You should always drink plenty of water with lemon to help with brain fog relief. Adequate hydration is vital for the brain and enhances mental function. Also, drinking lots of water helps flush out toxins in the body, which can improve brain function.
Physical activity assists with proper functioning of the brain. It improves blood circulation in the body, increases oxygen flow to the brain and boosts energy levels. Exercise also stimulates the production of ‘feel-good’ chemicals such as serotonin and endorphins, which help regulate mood and cognitive function.
Getting adequate sleep can help relieve brain fog and ensure optimal brain function. You should aim at getting eight hours of sleep every night. (I know, some of you are in bed for 12 hours just to wake up still tired, it will go away, I promise!) This will help you stay energetic and alert during the day, and help improve brain function and provide relief from brain fog.
There are several herbal remedies and supplements that can help provide brain fog relief. One popular herbal supplement for relieving brain fog is gingko bilboa. This supplement is said to act by dilating blood vessels to allow improved circulation and increased oxygen to the brain. In doing so, it promotes memory and cognitive brain function. Also “Pinella” from Nutramedix is great. Some people swear by Turmeric.
For me personally best relieve from brain fog was detox such as sweating. No matter how tired and foggy I felt, I would go for a run and I always felt better even for a bit. The best brain fog elevation treatment for me was hyperthermia , i.e. sauna or even better – hot yoga. (I do not recommend steam room just because municipal water is chlorinated and while in a steam room you will inhale too much toxic chlorine). As soon as I start sweating load of toxins leave my body through sweat and I felt better immediately. Also, taking activated charcoal, coffee enemas, and drinking plenty of water with lemon worked for me. As far as supplements, Dr. Shultze’s “Cayenne” tincture worked wonders! His formula is so potent, it increased circulation and blood flow to the brain within minutes.
Monday, June 11, 2012
14 Foods that cleanse liver
Modern society has created a sad state for our over-processed livers. Anytime we overeat or eat processed or fried foods, and, anytime we are exposed to environmental pollutants or stress, the liver becomes overworked and overloaded. When the liver is taxed, it cant process toxins and fat in an efficient way. There are many foods that can help cleanse the liver naturally by stimulating the natural ability to clean toxic waste from the body.
List of Foods that Cleanse the Liver
In the past, I have discussed my favorite cleansing foods. This list is a little more specific and focuses mainly on foods that can help cleanse your liver. In addition to taking a liver-cleansing supplement, and performing at least two liver and gallbladder cleanses per year, eating the following foods is the best way to keep your liver healthy and functioning the way you need it to. I would encourage you to incorporate these liver cleanse foods into your weekly diet.

1. Garlic
Just a small amount of this pungent white bulb has the ability to activate liver enzymes that helps your body flush out toxins. Garlic also holds high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing.

2. Grapefruit
High in both vitamin C and antioxidants, grapefruit increasea the natural cleansing processes of the liver. A small glass of freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice will help boost production of liver detoxification enzymes that help flush out carcinogens and other toxins.

3. Beets and Carrots
Both extremely high in plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene, eating both beets and carrots can help stimulate and improve overall liver function.

4. Green Tea
This liver-loving beverage is chock-full of plant antioxidants known as catechins, a constituent known to assist the livers overall functions. Green tea is not only delicious, it’s also a great way to improve your overall diet. Learn more about the benefits of green tea.

5. Leafy Green Vegetables
One of our most powerful allies in cleansing the liver, leafy greens can be eaten raw, cooked or juiced. Extremely high in plant chlorophylls, greens literally suck up environmental toxins from the blood stream. With their distinct ability to nuetralize heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides, these cleansing foods offer a powerful protective mechanism for the liver.
Try incorporating leafy greens such as bitter gourd, arugula, dandelion greens, spinach, mustard greens and chicory into your diet. This will help increase the creation and flow of bile, the substance that removes waste from the organs and blood.

6. Avocados
This nutrient-dense super-food helps the body produce glutathione, which is necessary for the liver to cleanse harmful toxins. Recent studies indicate improved liver health when avocados are eaten regularly.

7. Apples
High in pectin, apples hold the chemical constituents needed for the body to cleanse and release toxins from the digestive tract. This, in turn, makes it easier for the liver to handle the toxic load during the cleansing process.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Deanna -- Lyme Warrior!
This is an amazing interview with Deanna by Michael Peak about her struggle with Lyme Disease.
To learn more about Deanna, go to her website
Deanna has been a healthy living advocate for many
years. She has helped many people
shift their lifestyles, and
ultimately, their health. She also
helped people find their dream
homes as a real estate
Now, Deanna needs your help.
For the past year, Deanna has been struggling with Lyme
disease, babesia microti, and several other serious issues.
As you can imagine, her medical and living expenses have skyrocketed.
To learn more about Deanna, go to her website
Monday, January 16, 2012
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt - Parasites cause Lyme and CFS
• Dr. Klinghardt has found immense success in treating parasites as a focus. Many that think Lyme is their problem actually are suffering from parasites. The natural sequence is to treat the parasites first and then treat the Lyme. When this is done, years of antibiotic therapy turns into weeks or months.
• Parasite patients often express the psyche of the parasites - sticky, clingy, impossible to tolerate - but a wonderful human being is behind all of that.
• We are all a composite of many personalities. Chronic infections outnumber our own cells by 10:1. We are 90% "other" and 10% "us". Our consciousness is a composite of 90% microbes and 10% us. Our thinking, feeling, creativity, and expression are 90% from the microbes within us. Patients often think, crave, and behave as if they are the parasite. Our thinking is shaded by the microbes thinking through us. The food choices, behavioral choices, and who we like is the thinking of the microbes within us expressing themselves.
• Patients will reject all treatments that affect the issue that requires treating. Patients will not guide themselves to health when the microbes have taken over.
• Viruses in the nervous system are likely not the cause of CFS. They are certainly often present, but when treated, the patient may only get a little better. The two main causes are parasites (mainly lungworm) and chronic nasal staph infection. These nasal infections enter the hypothalamus which then leads to suppression of MSH. One's level of fatigue and level of MSH are directly related. MSH is depressed by bacteria and mycotoxins.
• Parasite treatment may be needed for 6 months to a year.
• Parasites induce changes in our system to make us a comfortable host.
• Natural deworming treatments such as Hulda Clark formulations , Dr Monus , and others will kill parasites
• Mimosa pudica powder is an Ayurvedic herb that is 30 times stronger than the best medical drug. Starting with 1/2 teaspoon twice a day two days a week and working up to 1 teaspoon daily for 3 months.
• Can use rectal application of 1 capsule of BioPure Freeze-dried garlic, 100mg artemisinin, 1 teaspoon phospholipids with pure water in a bulb syringe from the local drugstore. Make the mix liposomal using the ultrasonic method used with the Klinghardt Cocktail. Hold it. This cleans the rectum and then gets absorbed such that many start to see visible evidence of worm elimination. A good first step in parasite elimination.
• Some protocols say Parasite treatment is best done with concurrent colonic therapy. 2 colonicsper week; 1 day after the other. However Dr. Monus protocol is agains colonics, since they will wash out herbs from the intestines.
• Alinia and Albendazole both cross the blood-brain barrier.
• The more you deworm, the longer you live and the healthier you are.
• Parasite patients often express the psyche of the parasites - sticky, clingy, impossible to tolerate - but a wonderful human being is behind all of that.
• We are all a composite of many personalities. Chronic infections outnumber our own cells by 10:1. We are 90% "other" and 10% "us". Our consciousness is a composite of 90% microbes and 10% us. Our thinking, feeling, creativity, and expression are 90% from the microbes within us. Patients often think, crave, and behave as if they are the parasite. Our thinking is shaded by the microbes thinking through us. The food choices, behavioral choices, and who we like is the thinking of the microbes within us expressing themselves.
• Patients will reject all treatments that affect the issue that requires treating. Patients will not guide themselves to health when the microbes have taken over.
• Viruses in the nervous system are likely not the cause of CFS. They are certainly often present, but when treated, the patient may only get a little better. The two main causes are parasites (mainly lungworm) and chronic nasal staph infection. These nasal infections enter the hypothalamus which then leads to suppression of MSH. One's level of fatigue and level of MSH are directly related. MSH is depressed by bacteria and mycotoxins.
• Parasite treatment may be needed for 6 months to a year.
• Parasites induce changes in our system to make us a comfortable host.
• Natural deworming treatments such as Hulda Clark formulations , Dr Monus , and others will kill parasites
• Mimosa pudica powder is an Ayurvedic herb that is 30 times stronger than the best medical drug. Starting with 1/2 teaspoon twice a day two days a week and working up to 1 teaspoon daily for 3 months.
• Can use rectal application of 1 capsule of BioPure Freeze-dried garlic, 100mg artemisinin, 1 teaspoon phospholipids with pure water in a bulb syringe from the local drugstore. Make the mix liposomal using the ultrasonic method used with the Klinghardt Cocktail. Hold it. This cleans the rectum and then gets absorbed such that many start to see visible evidence of worm elimination. A good first step in parasite elimination.
• Some protocols say Parasite treatment is best done with concurrent colonic therapy. 2 colonicsper week; 1 day after the other. However Dr. Monus protocol is agains colonics, since they will wash out herbs from the intestines.
• Alinia and Albendazole both cross the blood-brain barrier.
• The more you deworm, the longer you live and the healthier you are.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
How These Four Herbs Protect the Liver Against Harmful Lyme Toxins
Herbs can help you in several ways against Lyme disease toxins
Patients face a big challenge in trying to prevent Lyme disease toxins from aggravating symptoms and damaging vital organs like the liver. Similar to the multiple tools on a Swiss Army Knife, there are herbs that have multiple ways of helping the liver to deal with these toxins, fight infections, and reduce toxic symptoms. These herbs are especially useful when anti-Lyme medicines and treatments increase the level of toxins in the body which stress the liver and increase symptoms.
Patients face a big challenge in trying to prevent Lyme disease toxins from aggravating symptoms and damaging vital organs like the liver. Similar to the multiple tools on a Swiss Army Knife, there are herbs that have multiple ways of helping the liver to deal with these toxins, fight infections, and reduce toxic symptoms. These herbs are especially useful when anti-Lyme medicines and treatments increase the level of toxins in the body which stress the liver and increase symptoms.
Medications and treatment can release more toxins which intensify Lyme disease symptoms
When Lyme spirochetes are killed by anti-Lyme medicines or treatments, the dead pieces of the bacteria release toxins called endotoxins in the body. The liver filters these toxins out of the blood and dumps them into your intestines to be eliminated. Huge releases of toxins can overwhelm the liver’s ability to filter them out. These toxins overflow throughout the body and can aggravate symptoms of pain, fatigue, and confusion. Aggravated symptoms due to a toxic die off of Lyme bacteria is called a Herxheimer reaction or Herx for short. Unfortunately, some people cannot eliminate these toxins very effectively.
When Lyme spirochetes are killed by anti-Lyme medicines or treatments, the dead pieces of the bacteria release toxins called endotoxins in the body. The liver filters these toxins out of the blood and dumps them into your intestines to be eliminated. Huge releases of toxins can overwhelm the liver’s ability to filter them out. These toxins overflow throughout the body and can aggravate symptoms of pain, fatigue, and confusion. Aggravated symptoms due to a toxic die off of Lyme bacteria is called a Herxheimer reaction or Herx for short. Unfortunately, some people cannot eliminate these toxins very effectively.
Approximately, 25% of the population is lacking the genes to eliminate Lyme toxins1
When antimicrobial medicines or treatments kill off infections, people who lack the genes to eliminate toxins feel much worse for longer periods of time than other people who have the genes. People who are missing the antitoxin genes get much sicker much faster than other people. These people usually take longer to recover and require more extensive support to eliminate their toxins.
When antimicrobial medicines or treatments kill off infections, people who lack the genes to eliminate toxins feel much worse for longer periods of time than other people who have the genes. People who are missing the antitoxin genes get much sicker much faster than other people. These people usually take longer to recover and require more extensive support to eliminate their toxins.
Can herbs help to neutralize Lyme toxins?
There are several herbs that are effective at neutralizing Lyme disease endotoxins
Here are four herbs that help Lyme disease patients to reduce their herxheimer reactions. The anti-endotoxin properties of these herbs are demonstrated in animal studies and in clinical results with patients. Just like a Swiss Army Kinfe, these herbs can provide other benefits like protecting vital organs like the liver, killing spirochetes, and reducing inflammation.
Here are four herbs that help Lyme disease patients to reduce their herxheimer reactions. The anti-endotoxin properties of these herbs are demonstrated in animal studies and in clinical results with patients. Just like a Swiss Army Kinfe, these herbs can provide other benefits like protecting vital organs like the liver, killing spirochetes, and reducing inflammation.
Herb #1: Fructus Forsythiae, Chinese name: Lian Qiao2
The properties of this herb are bitter, and cool. Forsythia clears heat, eliminates toxins, treats bleeding under the skin that produces red and purple lesions (purpura), stops vomiting, and promotes urination. This herb is used extensively to treat viral infections that produce heat in the heart and phlegm the lungs3. It treats high fever, irritability, delirium, red swollen eyes, sore throat, ulcers on the tongue, intestinal or lung abscesses, sores, lesions, ulcerations, lumps, nodules, and furuncles.
The properties of this herb are bitter, and cool. Forsythia clears heat, eliminates toxins, treats bleeding under the skin that produces red and purple lesions (purpura), stops vomiting, and promotes urination. This herb is used extensively to treat viral infections that produce heat in the heart and phlegm the lungs3. It treats high fever, irritability, delirium, red swollen eyes, sore throat, ulcers on the tongue, intestinal or lung abscesses, sores, lesions, ulcerations, lumps, nodules, and furuncles.
In one canine study, forsythia was found to be the most effective at clearing bacterial endotoxins4. This herb has also been used to reduce inflammation in a guinea pig study. Forsythia has liver protecting properties. The essential oil of forsythia inhibits Staphylococcus aureus, Diplococcus pneumoniae, Bacillus dysenteriae, Hemolytic streptococcus group a, Hemolytic streptococcus group b, Neisseria catarrhalis, Salmonella typhi, E. coli, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Bacillus proteus, Bordetella pertussis, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, leptospira, and influenza viruses. This herb is very safe to use and there were no documented cautions or contraindications with medications at the time of publication.
Herb #2: Radix Scutellariae, Chinese name: Huang Qin5
The properties of this herb are: bitter and cold. Scutellaria is used to clear heat, reduce symptoms of infection and inflammation, sedate heat symptoms, eliminate toxins, stop bleeding, calm and stabilize the fetus, and for disorders of the skin, eyes, ears, throat, and nose. It is used to treat abdominal fullness, poor appetite, nausea, sensations of heaviness, thirst with no desire to drink, and people with the diagnostic signs of a red tongue with a greasy yellow coating.
The properties of this herb are: bitter and cold. Scutellaria is used to clear heat, reduce symptoms of infection and inflammation, sedate heat symptoms, eliminate toxins, stop bleeding, calm and stabilize the fetus, and for disorders of the skin, eyes, ears, throat, and nose. It is used to treat abdominal fullness, poor appetite, nausea, sensations of heaviness, thirst with no desire to drink, and people with the diagnostic signs of a red tongue with a greasy yellow coating.
This herb is also used to treat jaundice with bright yellow skin, infectious hepatitis, dysentery, foul-smelling diarrhea, fever, heat sensations in the chest and abdomen, irritability, sore throat, toothache, oral ulcers, tonsillitis, epigastric burning and discomfort, and constipation. Scutellaria is also used to treat burning, scanty, painful, dark urination which may be cloudy or bloody. This herb also treats cough with yellow sputum, yellow nasal discharge, fever, shortness of breath, dry mouth, chest congestion, sore throat, and eye disorders with redness and pain. Scutellaria also treats lesions, sores, and ulcerations.
It stimulates gallbladder activity and has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Scutellaria inhibits the cancer-causing effects of fungal toxins, is used to treat chronic fatigue syndrome, reduces anxiety and stress, and relieves headaches. Scutellaria is used to treat encephalitis, hepatitis, Scarlet fever, bacterial eye infections, and hypertension.
It has a wide spectrum inhibitory effect against beta-hemolytic streptococcus (Group B strep), Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (which causes problems in cystic fibrosis patients), E. coli, Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough), Vibrio cholerae (cholera), and multiple influenza viruses. It also kills leptospira (another spirochete disease) and is highly effective at neutralizing endotoxins6. A compound from Scutellaria called baicalin potentiates the effectiveness of antibiotics such as ampicillin, amoxicillin, methicillin, and cefotaxime. This herb enhances the antibiotic effect of beta-lactam antibiotics against drug resistant staph infections like MRSA and beta-lactam resistant Staphylococcus aureus. This herb is very safe to use and there were no documented cautions or contraindications with medications at the time of publication.
Herb #3: Radix Bupleuri, Chinese name: Chai Hu7
The properties of this herb are bitter, acrid, and cool. Bupleurum is used to treat disorders that have chills and fever, fullness and distention of the chest and hypochondriac region, a bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat, poor appetite, nausea and vertigo, and irritability. It is used specifically used to guide pathogenic illnesses, like malaria, out of the body. This property makes it an excellent supporting herb for patients with Babesia.
The properties of this herb are bitter, acrid, and cool. Bupleurum is used to treat disorders that have chills and fever, fullness and distention of the chest and hypochondriac region, a bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat, poor appetite, nausea and vertigo, and irritability. It is used specifically used to guide pathogenic illnesses, like malaria, out of the body. This property makes it an excellent supporting herb for patients with Babesia.
This herb also treats emotional distress, headache, eye disorders, breast swelling and pain, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, menstrual cramps, and jaundice. Bupleurum treats prolapse of internal organs including the rectum and uterus, shortness of breath, fatigue, and hypermenorrhea. It is used to treat pain, relieve insomnia, reduce inflammation, protect the liver, induce the flow of bile, reduce cholesterol, and stimulate the immune system. This herb is used along with other herbs to treat colds, cough, influenza, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and lung cancer.
Bupleurum has an inhibitory effect against beta-hemolytic streptococcus (Group B strep), Vibrio cholerae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, leptospira, some influenza viruses, poliomyelitis viruses, and hepatitis viruses. The saponin compounds in demonstrated an anti-endotoxin effect even at very low concentrations in one rabbit study8. This herb should be used with caution in patients that are deficient in fluids and have signs of excess heat.
The herb formula Minor Bupleurum Decoction reduced the bioavailability of tolbutamide in one rat study. When used in combination with interferon, there may be an increased risk of acute pneumonitis. One theory is that the herbal combination may over stimulate neutraphils (white blood cells that are part of the innate immune system) to release granulocytes elastase and oxygen radicals which can then damage lung tissue. The single herb Bupleurum may not have the same risk as the herbal combination. This herb has a very low toxicity.
Herb #4: Fructus Gardenia, Chinese name: Zhi Zi9
The properties of this herb are bitter and cold. Gardenia is used to reduce swelling and pain, and to treat febrile disorders, liver infections, and gall bladder infections. It is highly effective in treating irritability, frustration and restlessness, heartburn, high fever, short temper, delirium, depression, and semi-consciousness. This herb also treats carbuncles, furuncles, ulcers, abscesses, headache, red eyes, toothache, sore throat, ulcers on the tongue, and constipation. It is also effective for treating jaundice, infectious hepatitis, gall bladder inflammation, gallstones, urinary tract infections, and painful urination. Gardenia is also used to treat bleeding disorders hematuria (blood in the urine), hemoptysis (coughing up blood), hematemesis (vomiting blood), and epistaxis (nosebleeds). This herb is used especially when the color of the blood is bright red. It is also used for treating traumatic injuries with swelling and bruises like sprains, strains, soft-tissue injuries, and musculoskeletal injuries.
The properties of this herb are bitter and cold. Gardenia is used to reduce swelling and pain, and to treat febrile disorders, liver infections, and gall bladder infections. It is highly effective in treating irritability, frustration and restlessness, heartburn, high fever, short temper, delirium, depression, and semi-consciousness. This herb also treats carbuncles, furuncles, ulcers, abscesses, headache, red eyes, toothache, sore throat, ulcers on the tongue, and constipation. It is also effective for treating jaundice, infectious hepatitis, gall bladder inflammation, gallstones, urinary tract infections, and painful urination. Gardenia is also used to treat bleeding disorders hematuria (blood in the urine), hemoptysis (coughing up blood), hematemesis (vomiting blood), and epistaxis (nosebleeds). This herb is used especially when the color of the blood is bright red. It is also used for treating traumatic injuries with swelling and bruises like sprains, strains, soft-tissue injuries, and musculoskeletal injuries.
This herb should be used with caution for patients with loose stools combined with a decreased intake of food. This herb can possibly cause drowsiness and sedation. It is to be used with caution in people who operate heavy machinery or in people when they drive vehicles. It may increase the drug induced sleeping time of barbituates which was found in one animal study. In other animal studies, this herb has reduced blood pressure because of it’s stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Gardenia has been found to lower liver enzymes and serum bilirubin, and protects and prevents liver cells from dying. It also stimulates contraction of the gall bladder, production of bile, and increases excretion of bile into the intestines in animal studies. In another mouse study, a Gardenia compound called genipin prevented glutathione depletion, reduced tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), and demonstrated antioxidative properties10. Two other compounds found in Gardenia, Crocin and crocetin have anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-atherosclerotic, and anti-cancer effects. These two compounds also provide neuroprotection in one rat study by reducing the production of various neurotoxic molecules which shows promise for treating Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease11. It also protected mice from E. coli endotoxin sepsis in another study12.
Gardenia inhibits Staphylococcus aureus, Neisseria meningtidis, and dermatophytes. It also kills leptospira and schistosoma.
The right herbs can help you to protect your liver, kill spirochetes, and neutralize toxinsJust like a Swiss Army Knife, these herbs have multiple properties for helping you to overcome the multiple challenges of a Lyme infection. Through their ability to neutralize endotoxins, these herbs have helped Lyme patients to reduce Herxheimer symptoms of pain, inflammation, and fatigue quickly. Most of these herbs are very safe and have a very low toxicity. Working with a Lyme literate herbalist can help you to develop a proper, safe, and effective herbal strategy for protecting your liver from toxins, killing Lyme and co-infections, and reducing painful Herxheimer reactions.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sexy Raw Veganist
I recently met Karyn at her Karyn's raw vegan bistro and beauty place in Chicago.
All I can say, she is amazing! Full of radiating energy, beautiful, happy, and authentic in her believes.
Trust me, she looks even younger than on the picture at 64! Yes, 64 y.o.!
Go Vegan!
KARYN CALABRESE is the sexagenarian who opened (according to Karyn) America's first raw restaurant in 1992 in Chicago of all places. Since then, business-headed Calabrese has created something of a raw health and wellness empire that encompasses a shop, spa, three restaurants, supplement and nutritional ranges and makeup. As the walking talking poster-woman for the lifestyle she promotes, packages and sells, I buy into it wholesale. She radiates energy from her honed figure and crease-less, youthful face, has the lithe body of a dancer 30 years her junior, hasn't been ill in decades and possesses an earnest passion that would put most university-aged idealist to shame.
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